GGL (Get Great Life) - There are various ways to find extra income apart from the regular salary. If you do not have much time for a side job, better start thinking to look for investment.Investments can be done in a variety of instruments, ranging from bonds, stocks, gold, and others.
Look for investments that provide approximately yield (yield) is higher than the annual inflation rate.Do not get more money you just saved in the bank because of the longer will be increasingly depleted inflation eroded.
1. Invest in Right Time
The first key in successful investing is to know in advance that such a life, the economy also runs its own cycle. Much like the season that runs almost the stock each year, as well as in investing.
If you enter at the right time in the cycle, then the money generated will be more. One way to see this cycle is still in its early stages or have a peak, or even decline will be discussed at the last point.
2. Determine the cycle that Fits You
The second key to investing is to know the cycle is in progress. As an example of financial cycles in the United States who had been victorious early 80 to late 90's is over, now they get into the cycle of commodities, such as steel, crude oil, palm oil and so on.
3. Observe Each Cycle, Choose the Best
The key to successful investing is the third in the cycle when observing any investment instruments, you can choose which one is ready to cycle uphill. For example, if in the U.S. is currently entered in the commodity cycle, the steel could be the most sexy. Now steel is starting to fall and be ready superseded gold. If you look at this cycle well, then it is time you go to buy gold immediately.
4. Find your Master Investment Instruments
The fourth key in successful investing is to choose an investment instrument that you control, even better that you like. There are several options if you are going to start investing with capital less than Rp 10 million.- Mutual Funds, namely the container and the pattern of management of funds / capital for investors to invest in a set of investment instruments available in the market by buying mutual funds. These funds are then managed by the Investment Manager (MI) into the investment portfolio, whether it be stocks, bonds, money market or securities / other security.- Purchase of shares in the capital market. By going directly to the capital markets you can own shares in companies that you want, live appoint a professional broker then you can immediately start. Costs (fees) to the broker is not too high and you can easily diversify to reduce risk.- Precious Metals. By buying the metal began, for example gold, you do not need to bother tothe care of. Stay left alone then the price will go up. But, in the midst of crisis like today's price fluctuated rapidly. If you are smart, you can buy cheap and sell when the time high.
5. Investments must be Arrested for Long Term
The key to successful investing is the fifth in must be retained for a long enough period of time. This is done to ward off the volatility and risk of loss. The biggest mistake that is often taken by investors is always too ready to protect their portfolios, so often panic when the market crashed and took off the entire investment. In fact, investors should be sure that the weakening trend that is only part of the cycle that will eventually bounce back, unless it is an investment instrument cycle is nearing its peak.
6. Any evaluation of Investment Trends
The key to successful investing is the sixth in a contrary investor, but not against the market. For example, when everyone take action to buy, you must be a seller. Vice versa, when everyone is selling, you must be a buyer. As Warren Buffett said, "you should be greedy when others fear, and fear when others greedy."
7. Know Before Investing Cycle Peak of Fall
An investment will reach its peak before it finally entered the downward trend. Indeed peak can not be seen by the naked eye, but there are some features you can consider:- The yield you get a sudden speeding, higher than that usually you get within a year. Soon this investment cycle will reach its peak.- If all you know, friends, relatives and neighbors talk about the benefits of investment results obtained in the same instrument with you. The characteristics of approaching its peak.- If more people started to stop working and rely on just living by trading stocks through online trading in the stock, or a real estate broker. Examples like these show that both instruments investment cycle has reached its peak, it is time you are looking for a new investment instrument with a cycle that is still young. (nann/2/11)
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