Thursday, December 29, 2011

4 Ways to Make Natural Lip Dark So Brighter

GGL (Get Great Life) - Not a few women who feel they are too dark lip color or black. You belong to? Here are four ways to create natural lip color so much brighter.

Quoted from Lookbeauty, there are several things that can cause skin color on the lips dark or black. The most common cause is an unhealthy diet, smoking, excessive use of lipstick and too much consumption of caffeine from tea or coffee.

In addition to genetic factors (heredity), dark lips and dark due to the factors above can be brightened again with some of these treatments. Choose the way that best suits you. 

1. Honey and Lemon Juice
Lemon contains acid alpha hidroxy naturally capable of lightening skin, while honey softens function. Mix honey and lemon juice with a ratio of 1:2, stirring until blended. Then dab on the lips every night on a regular basis. This mixture will brighten the skin of the lips in a few weeks. 

2. Leaf juice Pepper
Milled pepper leaves that have been washed with a little water, then strain after a fine. Before bed, apply a pepper leaf juice to his lips. Dark and dull colors will be reduced after the use of at least 15 days.

3. Carrot Juice
Women in the Arab often use carrots to whiten the skin of the face and body. Apparently, pure carrot juice can also be used to brighten the lips. Grate the carrots until soft, then squeeze the juice using a thin gauze or a clean cloth. Dip the cotton into the juice, and dab on the lips. If done regularly, the lips will be brighter. Orange pigment in carrots can also add color hue on the lips.

4. Almond oil / Coconut
The skin is blackened lips usually caused by lack of moisture. You can use a lip balm or lip conditioner to cope with drought. But there are natural ways that can be tried. Apply one or two drops of almond or coconut oil on the lips every night before bed. This will restore your natural lip color. (nan/55/11)

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