Friday, December 23, 2011

4 Easy Ways to Smooth Leather Hand

GGL (Get Great Life) - Skin of the hands can indicate the age and general condition of your skin. If you work too hard and lack of sleep, the effect will be visible on the skin of the hands, usually the skin becomes dry and rough.

Dry skin will certainly not pleasant to the touch, not just by yourself but also by others who happen to shake your hand. Here are tips you can try to refine the skin of your hands, as quoted from Ourvanity.

1. Daily Care
 Hands also need to be treated every day as well as face. Apply gentle lotion after you wash your hands. Instead, wash your hands using cold water and avoid washing your hands with hot water.If possible, minimize the activity of washing your hands, because it can make the hands are dry. Instead, wash your hands using a hand sanitizer. But if forced to wash hands, use a special soap for hand because abortion is softer than regular soap.

Take care of your hands by scrubbing once a week using a mild scrub. You can make your own scrub it. The trick, mix 1.5 cups sugar, 1 / 3 cup salt, 1 cup olive oil and few drops of lemon juice. You can also make a scrub from wheat germ.

2. Dry Skin Care 
If your hands dry skin, you can try the following treatments. Take 1 cup of warm water, add 4 tablespoons of olive oil. Wash your hands using a mixture, then rinse with warm water. Then dry and apply a moisturizer on your hands.

You can also make evaporation (steam) on your hands using warm water vapor. Enter the warm water in a bowl, then put your hand on it. Heated steam is able to smooth the skin dry and chapped.The next way, sayatlah leaf aloe vera. Rub aloe vera liquid on your hands. It could also be done to treat burns.

3. Keep Skin Moisture 
Wear gloves for heavy jobs or in direct contact with the detergent to minimize friction effects of chemicals and heavy objects with the skin of the hand. Air conditioning can also make skin dry. The fix is ​​to apply a lotion that is rich in vitamin E. Vitamin E is great for softening skin and maintaining vitality.

4. Smooth Leather Hand
 Doing scrubs or scrub which was performed 1 week also keep the skin area to keep your hands soft. Having to scrub hands, do not forget to apply a body lotion with an SPF if you will move out of the room, in order to awake the skin from sun exposure. (nan/46/11)

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